Wednesday, 13 August 2008


And so we went out as planned... Like what has been planned, our date started with an appointment with my gynea. But so unfortunate, the gynea was not in. So, that item was crossed out. Next, we went to 1 Utama. We went straight to GSC's box office hoping to catch the 12.00 pm movie. But we were there 10 to 12, and with the long queue and all, we decided to watch the 3.10 pm "Batman - The Dark Night". That left us with plenty of time for lunch. So we headed for Chillies and had a wonderful uninterrupted lunch. It was un-rushed and we did truly enjoy our meals and the conversation. After movie, as planned, we went on a shopping spree - mostly for the little ones. Instead of having a fancy dinner, we opted for a simple one... and our day ended at 8 something...

I definitely had loads of fun! And the movie was great, fast paced, full of actions and dramatic change of points - in short, we enjoyed it tremendously.

Secondly, we enjoyed ourselves enormously... and we've pledged that we would do this more often... we have come to a conclusion that having such dates would truly make us more connected and refreshed... a different kind of feelings.

Frankly speaking, after Iqie was born I would feel terribly guilty if I had to work late or left him with the babysitter on the weekends. I ended up making all sorts of excuses to the people at the office so that I don't have to work late or attend any function after work or on the weekends. I even passed the invitations from friends to socialise. After almost two years, I now realise that that shouldn't be the case at all. I am entitled to some time off from home without feeling guilty. I shouldn't feel guilty actually...

I would definitely keep going out on dates with Hubby and recommend to those newly-become parents to do the same. My advise would be... don't feel guilty if you have to leave your child or children at home with your maid or babysitter because you want to go to the cinema to watch the latest movie. We ought to have our fun time as well. We are human after all... we need to be re-energised and to some of us... this is one of the ways to be re-energised.


Tuesday, 12 August 2008


I have been complaining to Hubby that we haven't been to a movie for years... yes.. believe it! It's been years since we last set our feet inside a cinema. I can't even remember what the last movie that both of us watched was. It could be The Lord of the Rings. How many years has it been then...?

So, tomorrow both of us are taking a day off!! The main purpose is... (take a wild guess...) to spend more time (the whole day in fact) together... but I would rather fondly recognise it as reliving our courting days... We have planned out the day carefully. It'll start with meeting with my gynae for my fortnightly check up. Then, we're going for a movie (most probably Batman), then shopping, then movie again (we haven't decided yet what movie it's going to be), then may be we'll end our day with a fancy dinner. But whatever it is... it's going to be just the two of us...

In all excitement, I still can't shake away one question that's been mingling in my mind. Why oh why do we have to take a day off to do all of those things...? Why can't we go on dates on a regular basis? It struck me then... ever since we have Iqie, we have sort of stopped being a "couple" and without realising it, we have assumed the role of "parents". We have never thought that we could still be a "couple" when we became "parents". I am confusing myself here hehehe...

What I want to say is that having a child shouldn't stop us going out on dates, just the two of us. We need that dating sessions to spend time together... to catch up on that "love feelings" that once were burning like the summer sun... well... they're still burning like mad of course, but in a different way. When I look back, most of our "dates" nowadays are threesome... I'm not saying they'rs bad... they are good family outings and all... but at the same time I really feel that Hubby and I need to have our "dates" back... just like the old times.

When I say that I need to have "dates" with Hubby, it doesn't mean that Iqie is left behind. Of course we have to balance between dating and family outing. We can't be concentrating on family outings only when as a couple we used to date. Such a dramatic change took place there... I strongly believe that "parents" should relive their "couple's" days... at least for them to stay sane... hehhehee... I need some space for myself and step away for a while from being a mother all the time and Hubby has his space almost every Saturday with his car enthusiast friends. I need to go out and meet other people too to reconnect with the world outside the vicinity of my condo.

Of course I have to emphasise that this is not a cry for more freedom... I love spending time with Iqie and Hubby... only that sometimes... there is a piece of me that just want to do some crazy things like what I used to do yesteryears...



I have been kept busy lately with work... (who doesn't...!). With the KM project kicking in, there are a lot of presentations to prepare, conduct and sit in. But hey... I enjoy doing all those things. I don't mind working till late at night... But with my time spent on work most of the time, I don't seem to have the time to read chedet anymore, or read the latest news (I'm reduced to the non-mainstream media nowadays, remember?), or catch up with my friends either online or offline. But I'll make it up...

However, today was a bit different. I had to be in Putrajaya for one of those presentations to one of the Ministries for our KM project. I was so engrossed with work and with my other colleagues that I absent-mindedly answered a call from someone from work called "A". Being me, I had to crack jokes first before asking what he wanted. The conversation went something like this...


Hello "A"... I'm not in the hospital yet.. (I'm due in October, but people are worried
that I'm going to deliver early...)

Hi Liza, I've just confirmed a meeting with xxxxx at 2.30 pm today. Can you join us. I'll be meeting so and so...

OK, I'll skip xxxx's presentation in the afternoon. What do we need to do for this meeting?

Just print out the slides that we presented last time for about 8 copies.

OK. Are you in the office? Can you print the slides for me? I'll email you the file and I'll bring the folders with me later... and by the way... what's the agenda?

errr... I'm in a meeting right now... can you ask xxxx to print for you?

*At this point, I realised that it was so not the usual reply from my colleague*

errr... is this "A Hus" or "A Has"...? (nervously...)

errr... this is "A Has"...

OMG!!! I'm so sorry... I thought you were "A Hus"... I am so... sorry...

"A Has" is one of the Directors in the company...!!!!!!! I have just asked MY DIRECTOR to do some printing for me when all this while he never prints his own work... he has someone to do it for him..!! "A Hus", on the other hand, is my colleague that I work with... The whole room laughed at me... and I bet this will be the news for the day that will be delivered via multi channels...

So, moral of the story... when you label the names in your phone directory, make sure you label them clearly so that you won't make the same blunder... Immediately (still red-faced though - hot from the embarrassment) after I ended the conversation (rather abruptly I guess...) I edited both "A" names in my phone directory!
