Wednesday, 20 May 2009


I am so glad that Hubby is not the kind of person who would (either once a while or always) insinuate that I have actually put on "a little" weight. I am so fortunate that he doesn't mind how light or how heavy I am. Although he is concerned with what I put on - as in my dresses - when I go out. But as much as I like that about him, I have my own self-conscious about my own weight. The lighter I am compared to him the better ;)

I used to fit into size 'M' or '8' whenever I bought clothes. I can also fit into size '28' or '29' whenever I bought pants (how long ago was it?). But lately, I (sort of) was smacked in the face by the fact that my wardrobe now contains 'XLs' only. I can barely put on an 'L' size shirt. What actually went wrong?

So, to satisfy my super-ego (for not being able to fit into my old and very old clothes), I have decided to go on a diet. I call it my Smart Diet Programme... hehehhee... well.. i don't know about the smart part, but it is my diet programme. So... since I'm too lazy to run and I haven't bought a new swimming suit (the size could be the main reason), I now run up and down the stairs in my condo... hehehee...

The first two rounds were horrible. I couldn't move my feet the next day, and I couldn't even walk properly. So I had to stop for a few days, then resume the exercise. Thereafter was easy. As for the diet... I know it's going to be very hard for me to stop my bad eating habit - I eat all the time! So, I have decided that I will not stop eating, but I shall control what I eat. Hence - only veggie soup for dinner.

I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, but I will sure try my best to achieve size 'L' first! Then, I'll see what I can do to get to 'M'... heheheh...


Tuesday, 19 May 2009


I have been lagging in terms of blogging my thoughts and what I feel. I do have a lot to say, but so little time to express them. So, I'm going to summarise them instead ;)

1. It's our duty to be happy
I had a hair cut (after trying to find time for it for a few months now!!) today. While my hair was steamed, I read something interesting - a poet (or was it a philosopher?) said something like "being happy is not just an emotion, but a duty that has been bestowed upon us..." Well... something of that sort... but the meaning is very clear... we owe it to ourselves to be happy... not just to make other people happy. So, what have we done so far to make ourselves happy? I had a hair cut ;)

2. A son buying his father's 1 hour of attention
Today as well I read an email sent to my Yahoo! Group mail by one of my ex-MPIK mates. It was a story that I had read a few times before. Every time (without fail!) I read the story, I would feel my eyes getting watery. The story touches my heart in a big way that I always share it (again and again) with Hubby. It was about a son who asked his father for $25 after asking his agitated father how much he earned for an hour. When given the money, the son took out his own money and asked his father if he could buy 1 hour of his father's time. All he wanted was for his father to spend 1 quality hour with him. What does that teach me? How much time do I have for my sons in a day? How do I treat my sons after a long day at work? Do I appreciate the time I have with them?

3. To be a good leader is to be a good listener
Today (again... hehehe) I had a training on a KM system that we use in one of our projects. Throughout this training, I try to put myself in the actual users' shoes (which are our clients). But it was funny how most of my questions being brushed aside. Not just today, but for the past few months I think that my inputs were not being taken into considerations when plans were being made for this project. Those frustrate me a lot since I am the one interfacing with the clients a lot. What do I learn? When you work in a team, listen hard. Don't dismiss their inputs however useless they may sound. Take into considerations the inputs given when you make plans. This applies in life as well. Listen hard!
