Friday, 22 January 2010


It's only January and I've already worked my ass out. I'm tired and mentally exhausted. There were and are so many things happening within this month alone.

  1. We met with an accident... yesss... it was my beloved SuperEK. A lady driver banged us from the back. Since we have sold Hubby's car, my SuperEK is the only means of transport that we have while waiting for our Stream to come to reality. The bumper was dented and the bonet couldn't be opened. The car is now in the workhop. We're now car-less and at the moment using a Kancil Turbo courtesy of my brother in-law ;) Thanks Ayah Chik and Aunty Su... To make things worst, I lost our car's registration card. The insurance needed that for a third party claim. Argghhh... I had to take a day leave to go to the police station to report the loss and then to the Road Department to have a new registration card made. At the end, the Department didn't even need the police report I made *sigh*

  2. We've found the Stream that we wanted (well... actuall what Hubby wanted..!!). Although I haven't seen this Stream before, but of course I trust his judgement. We've seen RSZ, but that was out of our financial range. We can if we want to, but I prefer the comfortable financial life that I have now (alhamdulillah) to be able to afford most of the things I want... I don't want to cut corners just to get that bloody model. And to make our choice of Stream ours, we - particularly I - had to go through all the trouble of dealing with the banks and what not... You just can't imagine I had to go through...

  3. We also had a new helper. She was supposed to come early of the month, but the agent in Kelantan didn't inform us that she was not coming. We had actually told Iqie and Afeeq's "school" that we would not be sending them anymore... You can imagine how embarrassed I was when I had to tell them that Iqie and Afeeq would have to go to "school" for a few more weeks. Finally, the helper came a few days ago at the break of dawn. Language is still a barrier between me and her (her Kelantanese accent is very strong). I'm not surprised if Iqie didn't speak a word to her on the first and the second day hehehee... But what makes me pissed is that on the first night and the second night, she kept on stressing that she was not used to be away from home and that she was worried about her 70++ old grand mother (in her own words she said she was scared if the granny died while she was away..!!). And later told me that she wanted to go back home once a month...!!! WTF... When I said that it was not possible because of the journey and all... she asked me to find a replacement...!!! THAT'S IT...!!! And calling her agent in Kelantan proves to be patience-testing...

  4. We also have got a letter from the developer saying that we can move into our new house. But we have to pay more than RM 1K to them for the late interest payment. Of course we would not stay silent as it was not our fault at all. So, yours truly had taken the effort to call the bank's lawyer, wrote a very long "nice" letter to them asking them to pay for it. My last conversation with the lawyer in-charged confirmed that they would settle the amount. But when are they going to do that... that is another story. So we have made a plan to go collect our keys this coming Tuesday. Good luck to us...!! And not to mention that now we have to think of the renovation that we need to do before moving in...

  5. Work has been very stressful. I had to work late most of the nights for the past few weeks because of a big bid and presentation to one of the Ministries. It was a proposal to train the primary English teachers. We had to work with a group of New Zealanders and the 7-hour time difference "really helped". But I was highly praised by the NZ team and the presentation went very very well. I just don't care what is going to be the outcome of it anymore...

Well... those were and are the things that I have to go through this January. I didn't even have the chance to further reflect 2009 and write down my 2010's resolution... I will have to make time for that.


Sunday, 17 January 2010


I hate smokers..!! I hate them... I hate them... I hate them...!!!

YESSS... I hate smokers... I think they are inconsiderate b*****ds, selfish peices of trash. I think they are just like a natural waste that should not be let exist in this world...

Look at me... you moron...!! I'm pregnant... Smoke your life short somewhere else...!!!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Well... new year came and went and I didn't even realise it. It's not as significant as when I was in my 20s, or before I have children. No wonder people always say that your priority changes when you get married and have children. Have my priorities changed? I believe so...

In my previous entries I had voiced out my aspirations in life and what I want to achieve in the years to come. I once told a good friend that I wanted to be a CEO one day, and that I want to run my own company. Is this still valid? Frankly, I don't know. But those are some of what I want to achieve in my life. But to achieve those goals, I would have to make sacrifices, like my priorities, time and energy. I would have to be work-focus. If I were to pursue those goals, how would I divide my time and energy between work and family. Can I have it all..?

I'm selfish... that I have to admit. I want it all... (ahhhh... Bon Jovi's song rings in my mind... heheheh). I want a lot of things (don't we all..??). I want (1) a good job with high pay, (2) to live in my dream house at the location that I prefer (3) to spend as much time as I want with Hubby and the children, (4) to drive a car that makes car enthusiasts jealous of me (5) to have a doctorate attached to my name (6) to be able to travel anytime anywhere. And of course a lot of other things... If I were to list them down, I would need 3 days to do so...

But the bottomline is... am I enjoying life and make the best of everything? The answer is YES... I'm enjoying my life now with its ups and downs. Throw any hurdles to me and I'll make each one of them a lesson in life - to be shared and reflected from time to time. Someone told me before - life is hard enough without us making it harder...
