For a while now I have been meeting up with a group of friends whenever we can to catch up on Friday. We call ourselves Desperados... LOL! Yes I know the name is so quirky, but it works for us. Different faces came whenever we had our 'congregation', but the usual ones are yours truly, an old and best friend from my high school, and two old friends from my college.
We usually meet up either in KL Sentral (because of the convenience of the LRT) or in Bangsar (usually in Delicious - Bangsar Village). Other regular faces are also friends from the old workplace that have become close to me.
These are the people that I care about the most besides my family.
What do we do when we meet up? We bitch (most of the time), we laugh at each other silly, we bitch some more, we share our successes and sorrows, we confide in each other, we listen to each other, and most importantly, we give our shoulders for everyone to cry on...
The congregation has become part of me so much that whenever there is news to be shared, one will be planned. And frankly, this is what has kept me going when I was down in the turf especially in the first few months of me joining the new company.
I hope this will become a ritual for all of us years to come even after everyone has become someone somewhere. And I also hope that the ritual has done them good as it has done me.