Saturday, 31 March 2012

When Tears and Sweat Paid Off

In the company, end of March every year is a very significant time. Tension builds up, anxiety heightens and anticipation triples. All because of yearly performance bonus. You'll hear nothing but the talk of bonus everywhere you go - in the meeting room, at the corridors, at lunch, and even in the restrooms. That is the hottest topic of the month - every year. Now that March is almost over, (almost) everyone is relief. They know now whether or not their tears and sweat paid off.

I for once was very happy. The first time in my life, I was rewarded far beyond my expectations. At times, I felt like pinching myself to make sure that I'm not in a cruel dream. In February, I was recognised as a Future Leader by the management in a special ceremony. What I've done for the company has been specifically mentioned either by my Head of Department or personally by my CEO. It felt good...

By then, my Head has started to drown me with a lot of assignments. And so far alhamdulillah, his comments were positive. And then, on 26 March, I was called to his room for a chat. That was when he told me his plan for me in the company. I was to assume bigger role and responsibilities in preparation for me to run the department :)) How big is that...?? And I have only been in the company for 1 freaking year ;)

Then, came the letter... it said I was promoted to a higher position and that my bonus and increment were THAT MUCH..!! Another OMG...!! In my 12 years of working experiences, I had never been rewarded THAT MUCH... Again alhamdulillah. I thanked Allah, I thanked my Head and lastly, I text my CEO to personally thank him. He called me to 'deliver his key messages' - he wanted me to stay in the company longer!

You know what... in 1 day, all those late nights, those blood and tears spilled seem to worth it. Now I know why people stay in this industry. And the looks on  the faces of the people in the department - priceless!!


Thursday, 22 March 2012

A Crazy Month February Was..

Wo hooo... February was a crazy month for me. Went to Ho Chi Minh City for four days (11 - 14 Feb) and that was fun. We stayed at Sherwood Residence in District 3 in an apartment belongs to Hubby's cousin. Our stay was great. The kids enjoyed the trip, and I enjoyed the shopping :))
Hello Comrade!

Even Abg Iqie went inside the tunnel
I need to be in the right size for this :)
We went to Cu Ci Tunnel - the World of the Vietkong. It was amazing... I can't imagine myself living underground like that. And the network of tunnels is just amazing. You have to bend to walk inside the tunnels. And of course the tunnels have been widen for the sake of the tourists. But the original ones were a lot smaller. Hubby tried the original size of the hidden entrance, and my god... he could barely fit into it.. Thank god his tummy didn't obstruct his way in :P

Sure can fit or not?

Ce ce ce... Leave the tummy inside
I really enjoyed Ben Thanh market. The shopping was just splendid and that almost cost me the penalty for the extra baggage by AisAsia. The airlines is really a blood sucker...

All in all... Saigon was fun. I love the food and I particularly like the shopping trips (like... when am I not?). Special thanks to our cousins and the family (Kak Na and Abg Alfie and the kids) for the accommodation and for being very good hosts. We'll definitely come back...
