We're in our second year of having all the HR personnel in the department being involved in the department's internal projects. I coined the initiative as Towards HR 2.0. The intention is for everyone to have a shift of mind, or the cliche word - paradigm. And the underlying principle is also to have all our processes and services improved. So, all the streams under HR 2.0 initiative are geared towards those two principles.
A few days ago, we had the department's usual fortnightly meeting where all the managers update our HOD on what is going on in the department. And somehow an item that was brought up was HR 2.0 initiative. It was said that there were grouses from the people on the floor about having to put in extra effort to complete their deliverables, that whatever they are doing doesn't carry weight towards their appraisal, and that they are supposed to JUST do their "business as usual" tasks. In other words, given the chance, they would rather not do HR 2.0 initiative!
*sigh* that saddens me, and coming from the managers themselves - it is even sadder! I don't like saying this but in this situation, it appears to be true that Malays are a lazy bunch! They can't see OR they don't want to see beyond what has been given to them. They just want an easy life, free of accountability, and most importantly free ride! And above all, they can turn this into an interesting topic to be debated about (READ AS BITCHING!) when all the time that they take to BITCH can be converted into productivity - by completing the tasks under HR 2.0 initiative.
My boss was over the roof with all these talks by the managers the other day. I could sense his frustration when the managers themselves showed that they did not buy all this 'crap'. He reinforced his stance by saying that if the people on the floor were leaving because of all these, then let them go, because they were surely not cut to be his people.
I'm still saddened by all this. They can go far if they can just stop bitching and be more productive, and most importantly see beyond what is asked of them. It will be interesting to see what they will bitch about when they get the rating of their appraisal back and when they see what kind of bonus they also get. I'm sure the bitching will never stop...