Saturday, 10 September 2016


Salam Abg Iqie, Abg Afeeq and my princess,

We just celebrated Malaysia's independence day, and in a few day's time, we will celebrate Malaysia's Day. You guys asked Mummy and Daddy if we could go to Dataran Merdeka and watch the whole show. So sorry darlings, Mummy and Daddy knew that there would be thousands of people there and we thought that it would not be a pleasant experience for you guys. We decided to wait for you guys to be a little bit bigger before we take you to the show. But you guys did enjoy the show on the TV. The queen wore red tudung and Rayna liked her :)

At the moment (if you can still remember by the time you read this), Mummy and Daddy are giving you a little bit of independence. You guys are now allowed to play at the playground just the three of you. We don't have to accompany you anymore. It's our way to build trust and let you be more independent. Of course, Abg Iqie will always be told to watch over Abg Afeeq and Rayna. And both of you are always told to listen to Abg Iqie. I truly hope that you guys can depend on each other now and when Mummy and Daddy are no longer around. At the same time, I also hope that you know your boundaries.

When I was your age, I had done a lot of fun things. And I want you guys to have those memories and to remember all of them with fondness. One day, one of you will say "Do you remember when we..." and laugh about it. I want you to have a lot of that. The three of you...

With loads of love always...


Tuesday, 16 August 2016

At the Wee Hours

Dear Abg Iqie, Abg Afeeq and Rayna...

Today, we talked about how you guys wake up almost every morning to go to school over dinner. We laughed when mummy told you how bad you guys were at waking up early. Abg Iqie is always late to school - well... almost every morning :P

Our routine is supposed to be very simple. I wake you guys up, you guys shower, brush teeth, take wudhu and solat subuh. Then do your school bags (if not done yet), then the usual chores - blue bag, towels and water bottles. Yes, it is supposed to be that simple :)

But surprise... surprise... surprise...

Abg Iqie sometimes wake up with "Five more minutes mummy. I'm still sleepy". That is followed with cries of "I want to sleep. Why can't I sleep some more?". After a few threats from Mummy, then only you go to the bathroom. Funny how you used to be the easiest to wake up and the first to complete everything.

It's sometimes very easy to wake up Abg Afeeq. As long as Mummy is the one who wakes you up and escort (more likely walk-hug) you to the bathroom, you are fine most of the times. But you sometimes throw in a few challenges too - like fighting who should shower first, you or Abg Iqie. Then the whole world is turned upside down.

Rayna, so far is the easiest. As long as Mummy is the one who wakes you up and, like Abg Afeeq, walk-hugs you to the bathroom, you are fine. I can just leave you at the bathroom door and know that you will do every thing right.

But... a big but! You guys always forgot to brush your teeth!! OMG... I have to repeat and remind every single morning. And make you go back to the bathroom every time :-)

Then, there's the missing school shirt, school pants and your sekolah agama's samping *rolled eyes* Don't get me started on the water bottles from the previous day(s) that you guys have forgotten to take to the kitchen. Worse... the food container from the previous day(s) *fainted*.

After all the drama in the house, there is the journey down to the car park. If the fight is not about your socks, then it is about your shoes. If it's not about the shoes, then there's always the missing songkok.

I'm going to miss all of them when you guys have all grown up. I wish I could record the drama so that all of us remember what it was like. To remember the morning glory, the trips to school, the lectures that you had with Daddy in the car, etc. etc.

I love you guys so much. Today, we laughed and we had a good time at dinner. And I want to remember that. More importantly, I want you guys to remember...

Till next time, I love you loads...


Monday, 1 August 2016

Work for What You Want

Dear Abg Iqie, Abg Afeeq and Rayna...

The three of you sometimes ask Mummy and Daddy why you guys need to do certain things at home. Every school day, the three of you would need to do specific things. Like doing the "blue bag" - putting your shirts and pants in the IKEA shopping bag that we use as your laundry bag, doing the "towels" - putting clean towels in the "blue bag" for you to use at the daycare, and doing the "water bottles" - getting all the water bottles ready for school (two for Abg Iqie, two for Abg Afeeq and one for Rayna for each school).

You guys then have to rotate the chores, switching the tasks among the three of you. Sometimes, you guys fight about who's turn is it to do the "blue bag" or the "towels". And sometimes Abg Afeeq would throw a tantrum, not wanting to do the "towels". His exact words were "I hate doing towels. Why do I have to do the towels?".

Well guys, Mummy and Daddy want you to learn about "responsibilities". We want you to know that you  sometimes have to be accountable for something. When you fail to do something that other people are depending on you to do, there is a consequence. If one of you fails to put shirts in the "blue bag", then you won't have anything to wear at the daycare. The same goes if one of you does not put in the "towels" in the "blue bag", or do the "water bottles". We want to teach you that when you are a responsibility or when people are counting on you to do something, you have to do it well.

Well, there are more reasons to that. We just hope that you are able to learn from these experiences. You shouldn't expect things to be provided for you and that things are all set for you. You guys must remember to work hard and smart for something that you want.

Mummy and Daddy hope that you will be more responsible when you grow up. And not to be like other Gen Z or the other millennials that we heard so much about - like they deserve everything and that they don't have to work for what they want.

Until next time, yours always,


Friday, 29 July 2016

Dear Abg Iqie, Abg Afeeq & Rayna...

Dear Abg Iqie, Abg Afeeq & Rayna...

Mummy and Daddy love you so much. And we want you to know that we are proud of you. Remember that every day of your life.

Not long ago, mummy sat down in a hall listening to one ustaz. He talked about messages that mummy and daddy could write to you guys now for you guys to read when the three of you have all grown up. So this is me, writing my first message to the three of you.

Abg Iqie, you are the eldest. My hope is that you will grow up to be anak yang solleh. I also hope that you will be a great leader to Abg Afeeq and Rayna. If you wonder why I have appointed you to be the Ketua Solat at home, that is the main reason :). You are already a confident boy and you always listen to mummy and daddy well. You are so matured already beyond your age. You are the leader already to Abg Afeeq and Rayna.

Abg Afeeq, you are fun to be around with, and playful too. You get along with other people very easily. My hope is that you will grow up to be a responsible person besides being anak yang solleh. I also hope that you will be someone that people can rely on. You are already a very creative boy. You can design anything you want with your lego and some of them are very impressive. But I hope you would listen to me and daddy more often and mind your words too. But you know what... I love it that you like to kiss me and hug me all the time. And I actually look forward to your phone calls, the ones that you always make in the afternoon when you are at school. You make me feel loved and cherished. I also like it when you always tell me what you want to buy me or give me when you are all grown up, places where you want to take me and all :)

My princess Rayna, you are the brain of the family. It's always a joy to see how you love doing your homework without being asked, and reading your books. I always pray that you will be anak yang sollehah. I actually love it when you always want me to put you to bed - our 5 or 10 minutes bedtime rule before I leave your room. That makes me feel special. Your pre-school teachers said you are very bright and an excellent student. I am very proud of you.

You three are the most precious and important things in mummy and daddy's lives. Remember that we love you so much and that we are proud of you.

Till my next message, yours always,
