I'm so very happy. I finally have a place to call home soon. Well, 'soon' is not as soon as i want it to. But at least I have something to dream about for the next 1 year, like what paint colour do I want to choose for the different rooms in the house... My hubby would definitely scream at my choices. Better leave the ID to him...
It's funny how the system works. I still can't comprehend the explanation behind that kind of transaction. If the end financier fails to pay the developer on time, it is the purchaser that gets the penalty. How does that work? It's not like it is our fault that the payment is not made on time. The fault should lie on the end financier. Is there a flaw in our home purchasing law? Why should the purchaser be burden with the interest when the delay is actually caused by the end financier or the developer?
Whatever headaches that I will get as the result of the 'communication' among me, as the purchaser, the end financier and the developer, I now have the 'avenue' to dream of the colour of my curtains, what I want to buy for my house, how I want to decorate my son's room and the one coming as well. That should keep me smiling for a while...
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