Sunday, 28 September 2008


I'm older, but not wiser...!!!

Amidst the hectic schedule and the worries that I have over my delivery of my second child, I unintentionally had forgotten that my birthday was coming. I only realised that it was almost my birthday when I opened my group mail and was notified by Yahoo! reminder, plus a very early birthday wish from DiGi to remind me to reload to enjoy 50% more bonus 3 days before and after my birthday. How pathetic!

I usually made a big fuss about my birthday, especially to Hubby... but this year, it seems like everything else has been the focus of my attention except myself that I have forgotten to fuss. But I have certainly dropped a hint to Hubby of what I wanted this year for my birthday a few months back ;) so we shall see if he remembers and complies...

Growing older doesn't seem to have any significant impact to me. I certainly don't feel wiser or more matured. I just feel the same. I guess you can't really feel the difference unless if you actually look back and make a comparison between you-10 years ago and you-now. If you look at it that way... yesssssss... I do see and feel the differences...

Ten years ago... I just got back from the UK. With a whole new experiences and perspective brought back from a foreign land, I felt I had grown up and had the freedom to paint my own destiny. The values that I held were of a mixture of traditional and western. I was confident of charting my own success. But at the same time, I was imprudent, lack of wise judgement and selfish and ignorant and a lot of other negative adjectives that I can think of. But most of all, I rarely thought of other people and how my actions would affect them.

Today, in contrast, I am more comfortable being myself. I'm not afraid of being judged, I know what I am capable of and people acknowledge me for being who I am and for what I can deliver. Most importantly, I know what are my priorities, what I want to achieve in my life now and in future. I guess the "significant" 10 years have really shaped me well.

I have to admit, during those 10 years I have hurt some people including myself to get to where I am right now. Looking back, I would have done some things differently, but at the same time would have not changed some of things that I've experienced and decided on. If I have the chance, I would like to apologies to those whom I've hurt in the past personally. But I guess not all people are forgiving beings.

Now, like what I've said to some people, my family is my first priority. I know what I want to do and achieve now and also in future. The values that I uphold now are the values that have been embedded in me by my parents, the experiences (good and bad) and the lessons learnt that I had for the last 10 years. They will be the values that I will embed in my children as well.


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