I want to remember what Afeeq's birth was like, so I'm going to describe it here - mostly for my sake. I had been having little contractions a few days before the "D" Day, but I thought they were the Braxton Hicks. So I went about my daily life as usual, enjoying my Raya holiday. I even went back to work on that Monday after the holiday and had a wonderful lunch at Roadhouse Grill Restaurant with the rest of the gang. I had the best day... and the funny thing is... I even told them that I'd been having contractions while having lunch!
Then, Hubby and I went to to see our gynea for our usual weekly check-up. After telling the qynea that I didn't feel that the baby moved enough that day, and that there was a red spot we were advised to go to HUKM for another check-up. So we went straight away trying to beat the after-work traffic. At HUKM, the doctor told me that I was 2 cm dilated already... and oh my god... was I surprised! She wanted me to be admitted, but I told her that I had to go home first to "sort things out". So I went home with a warning from the doctor telling me to come to the emergency room immediately if the contractions were stronger or less than 5 minutes apart.
So at home, I did sort things out... Iqie was submitted to my maid's care whether he liked it or not. Thank god he was an angel that night. We didn't even see him when we got home. Then, I repacked my hospital bag and ended up having two bags altogether. We then ordered pizzas for dinner. I showered and wore my going-to-the-hospital clothes. All the while, my contractions were getting stronger and stronger. I was in pain even when I was eating my favourite Dominos' beef pepperoni pizza.
The contractions were even stronger when Hubby drove me to "check-in" at the hospital. That was about after 10.00 pm. After another check up at the emergency room, the doctor confirmed that I was still 2 cm dilated... I was screaming silently in my head for them to GET THIS THING OUT OF ME ALREADY!. I seriously thought that I was like 5 cm dilated based on the contractions I was having. I was then checked in. It was midnight.
The doctor said that I would be checked up on again at 4.30 am and my eyes almost popped out... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? WITH THIS PAIN YOU EXPECT ME TO WAIT THAT LONG?? So I waited "patiently" or should I say "obediently" in bed. From midnight to three something, I was in excruciating pain, and finally about 4.00 am when I just couldn't take it anymore, I went to the front counter and almost demanded to be checked. So they called the doctor, and WALLAAAAAA... I was 4 cm dilated, and they agreed to take me to the labour room. So I was wheeled to the labour room after they broke my water. I called Hubby straight away... Hey... I wasn't going to do that alone!! He was supposed to wait in the car at the hospital's parking lot, but when I called he said he was somewhere in KL. That almost freaked me out that I almost shouted at him... WHAT THE HECK WAS HE THINKING?? HE'D BETTER BE HERE BEFORE I START SCREAMING!!
It was about 4 something or almost 5 when I was laid down on the bed in the labour room, and thank god Hubby walked in in time. And so... the mission began... All the while I kept thinking about the last time I was in that similar room. It took me 6 hours before everything ended and Iqie greeted me. With the kind of pain that I was having that day... I didn't think I could last that long. I even asked to be operated on...I almost couldn't cope with the pain.
Then, at 6.00 am, it all started. When I told Hubby that I had to push, he said no... WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO..?? I'M PUSHING NOW AND I CAN'T HELP IT!! The doctor said that they saw the head already... WHAT..???? So I pushed and pushed until I felt as if something finally came out of me... I literally felt something popped out of me!
And there he was... all blue... and I fell in love instantly!!
welocome back to the blogging world fellow blogger. about time too! i was having withdrawal symptoms :)
welocome back to the blogging world fellow blogger. about time too! i was having withdrawal symptoms :)
hehehhee... it's good to be back in front of my laptop... having a great time reading your blog too...
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