Monday, 2 March 2009


My eldest son - Iqie is 2 years and 3 months old. He's very active and likes to play with his toy cars a lot. He's quite talkative... well... compared to his cousin sister who is 3 weeks older then him.

So far, we managed to use English (I would say 95%) when we talk to him. And he understands us very well. We also managed to chart his progress in terms of his speech development on videos. Looking back at how he grows from one-word speech to two-word speech and now three-word speech or more - he amazes us. It's amazing how children pick up when we put effort in teaching them things.

At one stage, Iqie would just point his finger and say "there... there..." if he wanted to go to the living room or if he wanted me to go somewhere. After some time he acquired more words and would say "Mummy... there...". Then "Mummy... there... telly". Then "Iqie watch telly". He would also say things like "Mummy go there eat", "Daddy vroom car". But my all time favourite - "Afeeq... no..." when Afeeq puts his fingers in his mouth, and "Good boy Afeeq..." when Afeeq takes out his fingers out of his mouth. He says it ever so lovingly... it makes me melt...

With his understanding of his Mummy and Daddy's conversation, we can't actually say "go out" sparingly. He will pick it up and will quickly reply "Iqie go out... there" pointing at the front door and immediately taking off his pants and shirt (expecting us to change him). Hubby and I really have to use those two words carefully. Otherwise, we'll end up walking him around the house...


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