Friday, 21 August 2015

A Comeback After So Many Years

OMG... has it really been two years? My last post was in June 2013. I guess I was not that great at doing something consistently :P

Anyhow, this is a comeback from the grave. A lot has happened and a lot needs to be recorded. Let's just do a summary.


I cannot be happier! Those three rascals are basically growing so fast. Iqie is now 9 years old, Afeeq 7 and Rayna 5. They are like everything to me... my air to breathe and my light in darkness. My heart could just explode with so much love for them. I could go on, but I think you get the message. And they talk non-stop. 

Iqie is much more inquisitive than before. His questions range from science to religion. I am sometimes amazed at the questions that come out of his mouth. From "who is Najib?" and "how does GST affect us?" to "what is metal?" and "how do they make glasses?" kind of questions. And a lot more... And he still cries easily. May Allah bless him. He has a soft and kind heart. Quite obedient. I guess him being a prefect helps.

Afeeq is jovial. The happy-go-lucky kid. He's the kind that people come for fun or to make them feel good. He's always bursting with energy, moving non-stop. Highly inquisitive as well in an active sort of way. He can get away with not doing anything at all when everyone else is busting their butts. Highly creative. He can make up his own games and create anything that is out of this world with his Lego. A softer side of him - he likes me to hug and kiss him. He likes me to hold him. He's also the kind that will tell you that you are being too hard on him (I get that a lot from him). I learned that I need to treat him as an equal.

Rayna is the princess in the house. She's active and not too girly (thank god). She looks tough and highly competitive in a positive way. Of course all parents say that :P. To public, she is soft spoken and doesn't talk much. Her teachers commented that she does her own things at school and doesn't seem to be interested in other kids. What does that really mean? But with us, she just can't stop talking. She's also a hugger. Big hugs, small hugs, you name it. She can just go behind you and hold you tight. 

I guess things could have not been better. After I've got my heart "broken" by my last employer, I'm now with a more shariah-compliant organisation. Alhamdulillah... I guess I'm heading towards the right direction. All in all, it took me three years to come into full circle of what I intended to become. I guess you can call it a calling, but I've been given the chance.

That's it for now I guess. 


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