Thursday, 17 July 2008


It's getting worse every day. With the arrest, roadblocks and other things, I don't feel safe anymore. It would be different if I was still single with or without a boyfriend. But now that I have my own family, a son and another one coming, what is happening in Malaysia is worrisome.

I hate politics.. I guess I've said that enough times. I've tried my best not to talk about it. But the situations nowadays require everyone to be in the loop of the topic. That is what I want to avoid. Thus, most of my thoughts in this blog focus more on safe topics... I need to focus my thoughts on safe topics so that I won't be inspired to talk, debate or even pick fights with those who are too extreme.

I better start thinking of more safe topics from now on...



arrdeen said...

ieja.. :-)

dont worry la.. cheer up! agree with you.. it's hard to be oblivious now!!

anyway, just sharing something

ieja said...

it's actually true... ignorance is no longer a bliss.. hehehe in this case.