You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear how much I love you
So please don't take my sunshine away
That's the song given and sung to me by Hubby. But when my son was born, that song (without we even realising it) was passed on to him. He is our sunshine. I realise that I haven't written about him in my blog and I guess it's high time I opened my private life to (just a little bit) to this cyberworld. Not for others to take a peek, but more for him (when he knows how to use the Internet that is) to read what his Mommy had written about him here...

During my pregnancy with Iqie (his full name is Rifqie Shaqirin), Hubby and I were eager. We recorded every development and kept all the scanned pictures. We read a lot of materials and subscribe to a few newsletters. As first timers, we had a lot of questions and worries, but alhamdulillah there was no complication or whatsoever during the pregnancy. The delivery though was a bit tough. I had to spend 2 nights before Iqie was born due to low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios). Then, I was in the delivery room for 6 hours before he finally decided to come out. The doctor had to use forcep delivery to help him out. But he was OK, crying his lungs out demonstrating his vocal power. The rest was history.
As he grew up, Hubby and I were fascinated by what a child can do to you as parents. All of a sudden, you have this midget to look after (I had a few pets before, but that was different...), how we had to adjust our lifestyle, financial arrangements and a lot more to suit him. In some way, I even put my career on hold for a while... And all these were done out of love... We had pictures of him taken (Flickr) and videos recorded for almost every occasion (YouTube).
Now, he is almost two. And we are still fascinated with his development (well... as first timers I guess...) and with ourselves as well. So far... we haven't screwed up... hhehehe (not yet maybe). But with what's to come... there will be a lot of other things to learn and discover for us as parents and for him.
My concern now is how is he going to take on a job as a big brother when his little brother is born...
ieja, by the way when will iqie's little bro be born?
eh enother hero ek?
heheheh expected this Oct... raya time! uwaaaaa.. i hope i don't miss those kuih raya & ketupat rendang...
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